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Android Collapsible banner ads AdMob

Andres Sandoval
1 min readJul 27, 2024


How to add the Collapsible banner ad into Android app.

  1. Go to admob and create a new Ad ba

2. Add the below kotlin function

private fun loadBanner() {adView = AdView(this);
adView.adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2014213617"


// Create an extra parameter that aligns the bottom of the expanded ad to
// the bottom of the bannerView.
val extras = Bundle()
extras.putString("collapsible", "bottom")

val adRequest = AdRequest.Builder()
.addNetworkExtrasBundle(, extras)


It’s the same config as the AdBanner, we just need to pass the parameter: extras

val extras = Bundle()
extras.putString("collapsible", "bottom")

[todo] Add image showing collapsible ad banner

Thank you for reading. Hope you learn something new.🙌🙏✌.

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[Hopefully you will find this useful]

Thank you for reading!

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Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome your feedback on how I can improve or if you have any questions.

— Andres 🙌🏻

References: com/ ad- manager/ mobile- ads- sdk/ android/ banner/ collapsible



Andres Sandoval
Andres Sandoval

Written by Andres Sandoval

I'm a passionate Android Software Engineer with over 11 years of experience.

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